the bible uses an abundance of great images to help us picture our relationship with God. one of my favorites - though i admit, it's a little difficult as a guy - is that of a bride and groom. a wedding. a marriage. God's the groom, the church is the bride. but not the church as in a building with a steeple. the church as in people who have received Jesus as savior and director. as in you. me.
a lot of us as the bride prefer living together outside of marriage. in other words, having a pretty committed relationship with the groom without the full commitment of an actual wedding ceremony. i think it's just sorta where we are as a culture. gotta leave our options open because something better might come along. maybe not a better savior, but perhaps a better church. know what i mean?
but i think God still wants us to be people of commitment. wants us to live out this bride and groom scenario full bore. the father wants a wedding! so, what does that look like?
at threshold, it looks like this:
a four-week mini-cell where you hear and tell stories. after all, stories is how we learn to understand. four sunday mornings, 8:30-9:30AM. threshold's story. God's story. the church's story. your story. what are they and how do they intersect? how can this marriage of christian and Christ be all it can be? and how can it bring glory to the Father?
if you are a regular thresholdian; if you consider threshold your spiritual home, how about making it official. join me and our elders on sunday mornings and take the leap. let's get to know one another. let's talk about how we can live together in the holy bonds of membership. if you're interested in a deeper relationship with Jesus through his church, i'll see you on sundays at 8:30am during the month of april.
oh, and the wedding will be may 11 at 10AM.
save the date!
New Member (Pre-marital) Class
Sunday Mornings, 8:30-9:30AM
April 6, 13, 20, 27
Big room across the hall from backstage
Bring a Bible please
New Member receiving - May 11 during worship
Baptisms to follow worship for those currently unbaptized