i'm back from my annual week at the beach. our accommodations were alongside a marsh which stretched from the house to the edisto river. what an amazing view. especially at sunset. each evening, when the tide was high, the channels into the marsh would fill up and overflow, bringing water to within yards of the house.
it was my favorite time of day.
i especially loved watching the seagulls. not the ones that you find roaming the parking lots of suburban shopping centers - how the heck did they ever wind up here, anyway?! no these were the black-headed variety. during the early evening, they would fly back and forth over the rising marsh waters, looking for food. day by day i watched their flights expectantly, waiting for a swoop or a dive that would result in one of them rising skyward with a fine catch of fish in its talons. or maybe a crab or some other small sea creature. but it never happened. not once did i ever see a single gull emerge from the water with something to eat. in fact, i never saw one even touch the water. heck, maybe they weren't looking for food. maybe it was just aeronautical calisthenics. who knows. but i'm betting they were grocery shopping.
now, i didn't watch for hours on end, and i didn't worry about them. i wondered, yes.
but i also remembered something...
look at the birds. they don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.
Jesus said that, in matthew 6.26. it was part of a larger lesson:
not a new lesson, i know, but definitely one to be reminded of. especially now, with the economic conditions and all that. but more than a statement about the economy, it's a statement about God. rather than launch into anything deeper, i'll leave it with you.
give it some thought.
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