let's get right to it this week.
i want you to be debt-free.
i don't want to use today's blog to toss out a dozen scripture passages about money. or to use fancy word construction to convince you. or to appeal to your emotions. i really don't think i need to. do i?
the economy is awful, and even if it weren't, too many of us just aren't living financially in a way that honors and glorifies God. and if the reason that we are on planet earth, according to His Word, is to bring Him honor and glory, then we all have work to do.
but even if you don't give a hoot about God's view of money right now, do this anyway. do it for yourself and your family. get this debt-monkey OFF YOUR BACK!
so here's the deal: take the rest of the time that you would normally spend reading this blog, and sign up for Financial Peace University.
i hope by now you know it's a 13-week seminar on sunday nights that will teach you all you need to know about managing the account God has entrusted to you in this life (you haven't forgotten it's really ALL His, have you?).
6:30 - 8:30 PM.
something for every one of your kids.
and only $99.
that is precisely $7.62 per week.
you can afford this. you NEED to afford this.
i guarantee you'll make the $99 back in the first week or two if you do what you're taught.
but if you need a scholarship, just ask.
and by the way threshold isn't making a nickel off of this, for any of you who still think this church is all about your money.
ok, so go.
sign up.
hurry up, i'm sure you've got a bunch of stuff to do today.
and if you already have... Thank You!
13 Sessions, beginning February 8
Each Sunday through May 24, except Easter and Mother's Day
$99, and well worth it.
Care provided for kids of every age (high school students are encouraged to take the seminar)
DEADLINE! Sunday, February 1.
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