1. happy birthday, midweekjolt!
this week marks one year since this blog began. as one who loves to start new things and struggles to see them through, this is a milestone! 52 weeks. 52 posts! sure do hope that at least a few of them meant something to at least a few of you. thanks for reading. shall i continue?
2. tweet, tweet!
this won't appeal to all of you, but social networking online is the rage, as many of you know. i see many of you already on facebook. and i am finally committing to twittering as well.
twittering is nothing more than sending and receiving updates known as tweets. anything you're doing, or have just done, that you want to share with your followers, you send it out as a tweet.
for example, through twittering, i know that one pastor i follow - one i have never met, but admire - was off yesterday and went to the national museum of history in DC - and this morning his tweet reminded me that i am God-commissioned according to Colossians 1.
another pastor i follow in L.A. is in NYC.
i'd love to see our tribe of Christ-followers follow each other on twitter - we can use it to let each other know who we're blessing out there. imagine asking someone if you can pray for them, getting a positive response, praying, then letting us all know - all in a matter of minutes! it will make our day! all of ours!
and you can tell that blessed person that if it's OK with them, you'll invite a couple dozen others to join you immediately. how cool is this?!
if you're interested, here's what you do...
visit TWITTER online and set up an account. quick and easy.
start hunting others from our tribe, and follow them. you can begin by looking at my profile where you will already find a handful of us. trust me, it snowballs in a hurry.
then - and for me, this is the key - set it up so you can tweet on your phone. this is what makes this work! no matter where you are, within seconds, you can send a tweet to let us all know:
you in?
let's go get 'em!
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