one day, 1440 minutes. one full rotation of the earth.
in the course of a year, it's one day out of 365.
heck, if you average only 6 hours sleep a night, not 8, you will sleep 2190 hours in a year.
24 hours.
a fraction of the 8760 hours God gives you annually. just one day in 365 each year.
24 hours is nothing. almost nothing. and yet...
when each of us came to THRESHOLD on our first sunday, there was a chair for us to sit in, coffee or tea for us to enjoy, someone to smile at us and say hello, and a caring person to love on our kids (if we have 'em). those things were gifts. gifts from another person - a 24-hour-follower - who loves God and loves THRESHOLD, and who wanted us to be welcomed and relaxed so that God could speak into our lives. if we are still enjoying and growing in the love of God at THRESHOLD, those people - those 24-hour followers - had a lot to do with it.
are you a 24-hour follower yet?
scripture says: don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. you must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had... (philippians 2.4-5)
24-hour followers understand that as followers of Christ, we must constantly be on the alert to think of others first. and sunday mornings in our own church is the perfect place to practice.
more specifically, 24-hour followers identify one of three areas at THRESHOLD and give 24 hours to it. just 24 hours. just one full day a year in loving and caring service to one another, and to those whom God will be bringing to us. those three areas are:
1. SET -UP/TEAR-DOWN: put up the chairs, the stage, the screens. move some stuff into the kids spaces. drop a few carpet mats over some cords. then take it all down again after worship. sweat a little for Jesus and meet some other people you don't know. just 12 sundays a year. volunteer 2 hours on a sunday morning, once a month (2 hrs X 12 = 24 hrs). (personal note - this is where i serve beyond my leading and teaching. though i do it about 48 sundays a year. every sunday i am in town, i help set up, beginning at 7:30AM. it is definitely one of my very favorite times of the week).
2. CHILDCARE: teach children basic christian virtues and bible stories. it is so easy. and fun! the stuff is all pre-written for you. or just hold babies. c'mon some of you - you know you love babies! some teachers give one sunday a month ( hrs x 12 = 24 hrs), and others give one month per quarter (2 hrs x 4 x 3 = 24 hrs). either way, it's 24 hours. and you will have stored up tons of treasure in heaven as you put little children on the fast-track to the full life in Christ!
3. HOSPITALITY: set up the info table. make coffee (you know how i love you people!). stand at the entryways and smile! say hello. (could there be anything simpler or more enjoyable for the extroverts among us?!) again, you might give one sunday a month, or maybe one month a quarter - either way, do the math. it's only 24 hours.
24 hours - your gift of 24 hours - could mean everything.
so i'm wondering... if THRESHOLD is your church home, if it's the place you count on for spiritual life, for people who will be there for you when you are in need, the church where your kids are learning to know Jesus as savior, the movement of God you believe in...
if you have laughed with, cried with, prayed with, eaten with, been hugged by, prayed for, or loved on - by anyone at THRESHOLD...
would you give 24 hours?
this is not something you need to pray about, trust me. it's something you need to do. right now. send an email to info@thresholdchurch.com. in the email simply put your name and the one area you will give 24 hours to. one of our leaders will contact you.
just think. you might change a life this very sunday.
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