375 bags of food collected...
that's what we did together over the past two weeks with our Dare You to Move food collection outreach. way to go! you rock!
with that success still warming our hearts - and the tummies of the hungry - we now turn our attention to october. our new series is called: Unlocking the House of Blues. and it couldn't come at a better time. gas is still scarce, and congress is still trying how to figure out to maintain our financial stability. it's enough to make anybody blue.
when stuff hits the fan and life gets hard, how are we supposed to understand what God is up to? how are we supposed to deal with the anger or the disappointment or the confusion? on sundays this month, we'll be looking for the answers to those questions, while enjoying some great blues music at the same time.
invite somebody. this may well be one of the easiest times you will ever have to invite someone to consider their understanding of God and/or their relationship with him. while many people we know are not currently connected to a church home, chances are most of them still have some level of faith. let's take advantage of it during these uncertain times and invite people to find comfort and security in the only place it is ever certain - in the hands of God.
hey, thanks for all you do to bring the real presence of Jesus Christ into the lives of people in our community - the poor as well as the privileged. the hungry as well as the haughty. the down and out and the up and out. you won't lay eyes on a single person today who doesn't need to experience the full life that Jesus promised. as you invite them to do so, know that i'm praying for you. i look forward to meeting those you bring.
dare you to move.
Jeff--you are definitely heeding the word of God in your heart--I love watching the actions of that heeding! We miss Threshold...Suzy Gullett and family
awesome series, jeff! sunday was one of the best ever!
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