14,000 of them from hunger and malnutrition alone.
840 million people do not get enough to eat - that's 1 in 7.
21 billion people live on less than $2.00 per day.*
i was hungry and you fed me... when you did it to one of the least of these... you were doing it to me. (Jesus our Lord, in matthew 25.35, 40)
a week from tomorrow, february 28, the youth of THRESHOLD will begin a 30-hour famine. for over a day, they will refrain from eating and will spend time instead learning about the plight of world hunger and praying for those dying from it. they will also be raising money to help feed those in need. in other words, they will starve for food.
for more info on what they are doing, see FAMINE.
during the same weekend, february 28 - march 1, you are also invited to participate in events focusing on others.
I. FAST. while the youth go 30 hours without food, consider joining them, for at least one meal. skip just one normal meal and spend the time praying for others. visit the 30-hour famine website to learn more about global hunger. make yourself aware. go for a walk and consider how many people around the world must walk for miles to get food or even clean drinking water. and pray.
II. PRAYER VIGIL. pair your fast with an hour or two at our second annual prayer vigil. this 24-hour event was held on good friday last year, but we have moved it up this year to coincide with the famine and the food drive (see below). we have rented the clubhouse in providence hills neighborhood (mckee at pleasant plains roads) and will have it set up with 8-10 prayer stations, from 7AM on saturday to 7 AM on sunday. it will be an amazing time for intimacy with God. you'll experience prayer perhaps like never before as you visit various stations where you might do some reading, draw pictures, write a letter, watch a video, listen to music or just quietly pray. last year's reviews were tremendous. sign up now online to reserve your hour.
III. FOOD DRIVE. following the success of our october '08 effort, which bagged 4000 pounds of food, we are doing this again. on sunday, march 1, following worship, we will distribute around 2000 bags to homes in several local neighborhoods (not the same ones as last fall). it will only take about 30 minutes. the following sunday, march 8, we will collect the bags - same volunteers, same neighborhoods. all food collected will be housed at the common cupboard for local distribution. sign up you or your cell now online.
THRESHOLD is a movement, a church on the move. we exist for one purpose: to glorify God by being the expression of Jesus in our community and beyond. clearly Jesus taught us to feed the hungry - that's what next weekend is all about. i urge you to join in all the opportunities being provided. better yet, engage in these activities with your CELLmates!
"we beg you, master, be our help and strength. save those among us who are oppressed, have pity on the lowly, and lift up the fallen. heal the sick, bring back the straying, and feed the hungry. release those in prison, lift up those who falter, and strengthen the fainthearted. let all nations come to know you, the one God, and your son Jesus Christ, and us your people, the sheep of your pasture. amen." (clement of rome, c. AD 92-101)
* info from www.30hourfamine.org
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