- song of solomon 7:10 (esv)
as i spend time with you guys, as we worship together, as i pray for you during the week... i find myself wondering how fully you realize or believe in the fury of God's love. the power. the enormity. the intensity.
it's just one more reason to be in the Word constantly, because as you are, you discover this more and more. but just in case you are one today who doubts it, struggles with it, doesn't feel it - 3 thoughts...
1. meditate on the passage at the top of the blog. read it. reread it. think on it. meditate over it. own it. trust it. believe it. i came across it in chapter one of a new book i'm reading called, The Furious Longing of God, by brennan manning. i recommend anything he writes. the dude knows Jesus, flat out. listen to him.
2. watch this video. it's brennan. it's got a promo tag on the end for an upcoming event - you can ignore that. but listen carefully to the rest. good stuff.
3. attend the Threshold 24-hour prayer vigil this weekend, for just an hour. details are in the weekly e-newsletter or on our homepage, VIGIL. carve out an hour to hear and experience this amazing truth - that you are loved by the creator and lord of the universe. don't just acknowledge it in your brain. feel it in your soul. it's the deepest truth you will ever encounter. don't brush it off and just get on with your busy life. tune in.i'll be praying for you guys this weekend at the vigil.
see you sunday!
here's the info on the book, in case you're interested.

The Furious Longing of God
by Brennan Manning
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