I will not give my glory to anyone else,
nor share my praise with idols." (isaiah 42.8)
giving thresholdians a shot of spiritual caffeine between sundays
March 5, 2009
Dear Jeff,
We've really got to quit meeting like this! Just joking....I assure you you will be amazed at what I have to say! Last year this time after the prayer vigil you read a prayer I wrote during the vigil, to the Lord...This year it was my crayon drawing...to the Lord...You see I love those prayer vigils...I love spending time with God...I love Jesus and learn to love Him more everyday...Without Him I am nothing....seriously.
It has taken me some time this morning to quit crying after reading your blog. As usual God has touched my heart in a really profound way through all of this. To know that God works His love and grace through my feeble attempts at giving Him my heart is just very humbling ...
When I write, when I draw, when I am creative I am very open to God's leading. About 3 weeks before the prayer vigil I kept thinking God was urging me to paint a large canvas with the most beautiful purple I could mix....I saw in my mind, this beautiful, blond girl standing facing this brilliant yellow-white light (in my mind she was facing Jesus on the Throne of Grace...) She was wearing purple with blue undertones...When I got to the station at the prayer vigil, I knew it was the time to put it to paper...I knew in my heart that this was the place to draw the image I had seen...When I paint or draw or write it's like God takes the brush or pen and I am just along for the experience...I can lose all track of time and what's going on during those moments...it's just full of peace and total enjoyment....refreshing. At any rate as I was drawing with the crayon I was not happy with her hands because they were empty and I felt prompted to place a red rose in her right hand (signifying "I love You") and the goblet in her left (signifying "serving the lord" and communion with Him). Her purple and blue dress signify her being a part of God's Kingdom and the blue undertones represent being a part of the Family of God, chosen by Him. Now I can totally say I had no idea why I was prompted to share this drawing, I just knew it was what I could give to Him in the way of worship at that moment at that station. As a matter of fact I blushed after I pinned it to the curtain, wondering if anyone might find it much too intimate to display for everyone to see...I commented on Sunday after worship though to my husband that I was so glad that I could finally worship God with a people that understood intimacy with God...I could truly worship and not be shamed...Jeff your message Sunday actually was very freeing to my heart! The kissing thing... Ha! Thanks for being bold in what you preach.
I would be more than happy to meet the family with you and talk more about this drawing. In the meantime, please let them know that, that moment for them was directly from the Lord to their hearts at just the right time and in just the right way. And for that I am very happy and encouraged and honored to have been a vessel for Him to use!
In His love, Debby
PART TWO is a follow-up from emily's stepdad, mark mcelvey, dared march 9, 2009
In other words, she didn’t know us. She didn’t know about Emily. She didn’t have anyone else in mind. It was a drawing, an offering that God directly inspired her to do. She talked with us after the service Sunday, and she told us that she doesn’t do anything in purple, as a rule. She said that she thought maybe she’d draw one of her granddaughters, but their hair is much shorter, and the hair in the picture kept getting longer and longer.She doesn’t draw people, she mostly does landscapes.In other words, it was nothing she would choose to draw. Nothing in her life directly influenced that work.It came straight through her heart and hands from God to us. To all of us who miss Emily.
After reading that, if there is any room for doubt left in your hearts and minds about who God is, how He takes care of us all, and where Emily is now, then I don’t know what anyone can say to change your mind.
Psalm 71:20-21
Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again.
Isaiah 25:8
He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces;
Lamentations 3:31-33
For men are not cast off by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men.
Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Romans 8:39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:52-57
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
tuesday was a gift from God. one of those tangible gifts of actual grace that give us those seemingly all-too-rare glimpses of his hand at work, reminding us that he is real and that he is at work. i've seen them over the years, when i have had the eyes to see. and i'm sure i've missed a bunch of them when i've had my spiritual head up my own assets, worried so much about myself that i had no clue that God was anywhere in the vicinity.
but tuesday i saw it. actual grace. God's tangible activity.
it snowed. not a lot. but it did. i heard that it hasn't snowed in charlotte enough to cover the ground since 2004. but tuesday it snowed.
and as if that weren't gift enough in itself, it was also inauguration day.
now forget about politics, okay? there's just something about each of these that reminds me that we get second chances. that no matter how bad the past, there is a future. that while there may be decay in our rearview mirror, our rearview mirror is showing us what we are leaving behind.
i have never been one to make much of a new year. to me, it was just the next month in a long, long linear processional. a new year was often more annoying than promising. i put the wrong year on my checks for a week or so. i couldn't get a treadmill at the gym. last year's calendar got put on a shelf and i couldn't find it when i needed to refer back to something that happened only a couple weeks earlier.
but not '09. not this year.
this year, for some reason, i am excited. i am optimistic. i am expectant. i fully anticipate seeing and hearing life-changing stories this year like never before. growing closer to God. learning how to glorify him more and more in everyday life. learning his better and applying it more often. embracing his people in small communities where we can love, trust and serve one another. getting ourselves freed up and healthy in any and every way necessary, in order to stand ready to serve God and those he points us to, whether across the world or across the lunchroom table.
our staff met all day yesterday to map out 12 months of opportunities intended to help us all move into and through one of the best years of our lives. in a few weeks, we'll put that calendar into your hands. but even before you receive it, i hope you'll be praying. pray that God will move in you with his Spirit in ways that will help you commit to the things that are most important this year. ask him to show you very clearly where you ought to be engaged and active for his glory and your own health. beg him to take away the resistance, the laziness, the fear or the apathy that keeps you from worship or cell or service.
promise to read his word this year. promise your kids that you will lead them spiritually this year. promise your spouse that you will get out of debt this year - or at least make a significant dent in it. promise those who ask you that you will in fact finally join their cell. promise yourself that you will leave your comfort zone for one - just one - significant serve experience.
'09. it's a new year. a year full of promise.
the snow and the events of tuesday are now also in the rearview mirror.
but don't miss their message.
God is present. every day is a new one. He gives second chances.
Father, we thank you for the moments when we are clearly reminded of your presence and your hope. so many of us need the eyes to see that right now. we need that promise. we need that anticipation. we want so desperately to be drawn by your Spirit into this new year. change us. transform us more into the image of your Son Jesus. cover our sins like a blanket of new snow, and inaugurate in us a new heart, ready to live solely for you and your glory. receive our humble and expectant pleas in Jesus' name. amen.